
Originally working as an architect, I discovered working with clay a few years ago as an expansion of the enrichment of my previous work. I see this as a continuation of communication and I see my work as a key means of achieving this dialogue. I work in a hand building technique which allows ideas and forms to evolve. Quality of the clay surface adds a new and sensual dimension. The pieces become tangible pictures with meanings, associations, and messages beyond literal expression.

Exhibitions, Publications & Awards:

Exhibition. Yellow Edge Gallery. Gosport

2022 Small is Beautiful. 4 Ceramic pieces.

Exhibition. Imperial War Museum North. Salford

2003 National Civic Trust Awards Winners. New Primary School.

Civic Trust Award. 

2000 National Civic Trust Award. New Arts & Media Centre. 

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. London

1999 Model of a School Building. Wooden model.

Building Design. Publication

1998 National Youth Centre for the Performing Arts, Gloucester.

Royal Institute of British Architects Exhibition. London

1997 Picking Winners. Design Model of New Arts & Media Centre. Luton.

Building Design. Publication

1998 New Arts & Media Centre. Art Gallery, Dance Studio. Luton.

Architecture Today Publication. London

1997 New Advertising Agency, South Kensington. London

Building Of the Year. National Award

1997 New Advertising Agency, South Kensington. London

Architecture Today Publication. London

1992  Design of New Research Centre

Royal Institute of British Architects Exhibition. London

1988 Sir Terry Farrel Exhibition. Design of New Building, Barbican Centre, London.

Architects Journal Publication

1987 Design of New Building at Aldgate Pump, City of London

Royal Institute of British Architects Exhibition. London

1987 Sir Terry Farrel Exhibition. Design of New Building Aldgate Pump, City of London

National Design Competition

1983 Commendation - Design of New Building.

Architects Journal Publication

1983 Competition Design of New Building.

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. London

1982 Drawings of a Low Energy Solar Building. 4no: A1 Graphite drawings.

Royal Institute of British Architects Journal. Publication

1981 Drawings of a Passive Solar House. Graphite drawings.